Saturday 28 May 2016

2D animation : Aliennaped (group work)

A animation made by me, JJ and Lim Wei Shen (LWStudio). 
Uploaded by Lim.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

2D animation - Rotoscoping


Rotoscoping is an animation technique that trace over a footage, frame by frame.
I use a cat video from YouTube to do my rotoscoping.
To start,open Photoshop and create a new document with Film & video preset then make sure the size is HDTV 1080p. Change your workplace of photoshop to Motion, or open Windows - Timelines.
Right after that, go to Layers and find the Video Layers, select the new blank video layer. Put in the video.

Then draws on a new black layers as shown belows, and press the right arrow key on keyboard to go next frame.
Draw all the frame, and save. go File > Export > Render Video... and render it.

Final result of my rotoscoping

2D animation - Masking

Masking is an animation that makes text or object appear using effect in AE (Adobe After Effect).

Open AE and make a word using Text tools (my work example: Spash)
Then, use Pen tools to highlight the part of will call as Mask 1 after you finish one line. For my, 5 words so there is 5 Mask(Mask1,Mask2, ...etc)

Then use Effect - stroke to make effect like below video

2D Animation - Basic Animation

Basic Animation
Make shape in AI (Adobe Illustrator).
Open it in AE (Adobe After Effect)
and open a composition to put in your shape, then make it move.

 Basic animation

Sunday 28 December 2014

Basic Form: Diamond

 Basic Form : Diamond Shape
 First, draw a shape(in 3D), then pic up to color in light, middle, and dark value. For me the color I choose is Teal, from a light color(you can pick white also) to dark color(not totally black), as shown below.

Color it up by choosing where the light come in contract with the object, and the shadow (dark part), then color it up. Add the light effect (light color) on the edge of the shape(diamond). For my design(as a student also), the light is from the second edge from left, White color is used as the light effect. then my diamond is done!

Character@Digital Illustration

 First- making of character from fox human idea with dual weapon.
 Second- Make background and make it not so empty
 Final- adding detail

Monday 15 December 2014

Portrait@Digital Illustration

Original Picture

Zoom (Eye)
 Zoom (Nose)
Zoom (Hair)

 Portrait art (Red + Green)

Saturday 13 December 2014

Merge Art-Landscape

Digital Illustration Task 3: Merge Art Landscape
 Below is the picture used for creating my merge art.
 this is snow effect picture
Combine all these picture, and add the effect.

 Final Artwork : Snowing Mountain
after some lighting and color balance, my work is complete as shown above.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Monday 13 October 2014

Color Study Art

The Color Wheel
 Primary Color
 Secondary Color
 Tertiary Color
 Analogous Color
 Complementary Color
 Split-Complementary Color
 Triad Color
 Tetrad Color

Color Temperature
Cold Color
 Warm Color
Landscape color temperature art
Starry Night
Final Art